Family & Money

Few things are known to cause more stress than planning your family finances. Whether you're planning for your first child or getting ready to send them off to college, managing a household budget and planning for your financial future can be difficult if you don't have expert resources to help.

How do you manage budgeting? What resources are available to teach children healthy money habits early? How can you save money on the items you need to buy for a growing family? What's the best way to talk with your spouse about money? We've created expert articles to address these subjects without complications, just clear, helpful information that can put you and your family on track to financial well-being.

Financial Planning for Families

How do you manage budgeting? How much should you be putting towards your child's education fund? Will you be able to take a family vacation this year? There are plenty of factors to consider when creating a manageable financial plan for your family - including your current income, where you live, how many children you have (or are planning to have), whether or not you're paying a mortgage, and your goals for investing and retirement planning.


Saving Money For Families

One of the biggest problems for a lot of families right now is managing their income without taking on a large debt load. Do you have the income to support buying that larger home? Is buying everything in bulk really a good idea? Are family road-trips a smart-money approach to vacations?

And what about the everyday necessities? For young families, saving money on necessary products like baby formula and children's clothes can be invaluable when trying to put money aside to invest or build an emergency fund. We share smart, actionable advice to save money on the items you need, ways of making extra income online without leaving the house, and even how to wring a few extra dollars from free coupons.

Teaching Children About Money

Regardless of income, it's vitally important to start teaching your children good money habits at an early age. It sets them up for a healthy relationship with money that will serve them throughout their lives - but it's up to you to make sure you start these lessons early.

We've created plenty of resources to start discussing these concepts with your children - from free printable chore charts, to learning how to say no to your kids, to less common issues like affluenza, and whether or not you should support adult children, you can use these articles to plan a financial education for every age.


Relationships & Money

Many couples face a great deal of anxiety when they sit down to discuss their finances - but it's crucial to the health of your relationship to be able to talk about money in an open, honest way. Working together with your spouse to pay off student loan debt, buy a new home or start a family can trigger all sorts of issues around money.

Fortunate Investor's Clinical Psychotherapist shares valuable advice on how to have these important conversations without the stress, from managing money as newlyweds to prioritizing budgeting and investing.


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