Taking out any type of loan is often a frustrating process. You have to fill out what seems like an endless amount of paperwork. Naturally, each … [Read more...] about Things To Consider When Getting A Loan
12 Ways to Save Money for a Down Payment on a House
Home ownership is a goal that many aspire to achieve. The home ownership rate in the United States is 63% and almost 70% in Canada. One of the … [Read more...] about 12 Ways to Save Money for a Down Payment on a House
Tax Relief Help: 7 Strategies to Help Manage Debt Owed to the IRS
There's a misconception that the IRS will go after the shirt on your back if you owe taxes. People imagine the IRS as some boogeyman. They panic at … [Read more...] about Tax Relief Help: 7 Strategies to Help Manage Debt Owed to the IRS
7 Smart Tips for Getting Out of Credit Card Debt
Are you up to your ears in high-rate credit card debt? Don't worry; there is a way out! Here are 7 smart tips for getting out of credit card debt … [Read more...] about 7 Smart Tips for Getting Out of Credit Card Debt
Rights and Responsibilities of Consumers When Borrowing Online
Consumers who borrow online have certain rights and responsibilities. Here is a summary of these rights and … [Read more...] about Rights and Responsibilities of Consumers When Borrowing Online