Zoom, something none of us had heard of until about a year or so ago. And now, everyone at their grandmother is using Zoom like it’s water off a duck’s back. It has been very helpful to businesses, allowing their teams to continue working from home and still remain ineffective contact with each other. And yet, there are some experts or rather, talking heads, who think that Zoom meetings won’t last forever. Eventually, we will want to return to the world of the commute, the office and the face-to-face chat with our colleagues. Well, some say this is even more important when it comes to clients. Investors, partners and other clientele, might not want to just have Zoom calls with you anymore, they might want more. So will it last?
E-signing is here to stay
The major worry is, clients will not want to do Zoom meetings for important meetings. They won’t want to have any other way of doing business that requires their signature, other than meeting face to face. Wrong. People have been doing e-signing for a couple of years now. You can easily find out, how to add signature to pdf. Using this software, you can add a genuine signature to any document. The mouse can be used as the pen, or if you are on a tablet or some kind of touchscreen, you can do it with the tip of your finger. And yes, it is official. It’s recognized by law that if you sign using this method, it is going to count as your personal signature and thus knowledge or support for whatever the document expounds.
It’s greener that’s for sure
There is a lot of pressure on businesses to cut down on waste and their carbon footprint. Can you honestly say that clients flying thousands or hundreds of miles to see, for one or two days, is worth it in greenhouse gases? If it can be done remotely, then this should be something to consider, for the sake of the planet. You can use this as a marketing tool as well. If the client doesn’t have to travel to you, or you don’t have to travel to the client, you are saving thousands of tons of CO2 which would be expelled into the atmosphere otherwise.

Virtual boardrooms
We are very quickly moving toward fully virtual boardrooms. Members of the C-suite could be able to join boardroom meetings from their homes, using virtual reality headsets that put them in a real office. You can see this technology is quickly being developed, which could take Zoom meetings to the next level. It’s only a matter of time as virtual reality begins to make online retail a much more ‘real’ experience, i.e. trying on clothes, etc. So surely, Zoom is not just here to stay but it will be leading the charge when it comes to formal online meetings.
Yes, Zoom meetings will be here to stay. Clients can sign documents online and they can also save the planet from further harm by staying put where they are.