The chances of the current situation lasting until next year, are high. Even though some progress and recovery have been made in the markets, they still need to go a long way before they truly bounce back. This should give investors an excuse for pause, because, how will the markets shift in the long-term? We have seen how fragile our markets are. We have seen how dependent on failed structures, the global economy has become. Investors that want stability, are in effect, lucky to pay for the privileged itself, without necessarily making huge profits like before. So the real question is, how do you invest when you’re in 2020? Moreover, how do you invest in your long-term finances in this scenario?

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Don’t put off the future
There are so many areas of the economy that investors have put off, from investing. This is because future technologies are still in their infancy. The scientific resolve is there and the evidence is quite clearly apparent. But, investors have failed to invest in the future markets because the profitability isn’t so high at the moment and or the infrastructure to facilitate these markets isn’t entirely ready. But, here are stock market routes you need to invest in now.
Lithium mines: Lithium is the future, as battery technology will facilitate the all-electric world we will soon be living in.
Albemarle is a lithium mining company that is one of the largest lithium producers in the world. It also offers refining solutions which complete the package. With over 5,000 employees, it’s one of the largest miners in the world, that is currently located in Chile. Located in Salar de Atacama it’s a company that is backed by the US and has a net value of $10 billion.
Electric-Aero: Electric aircraft engines are the future. They are incredibly versatile, can be placed on drones, ‘flying cars’, airliners and could have used for ships as well. Rolls-Royce is the leading company that is researching these types of engines. They have produced one working prototype that is undergoing tests.
Tesla: This one should be a no-brainer. If you haven’t already, you need to buy some stocks in Tesla. They aren’t just building excellent cars but they’re also the leading recharge infrastructure builder. They are making their own fast-charge fuel stations where their electric cars can be charged at the side of a highway or in a carpark.

The rise of gold
Everyone thought that gold was going to vanish and never come back when the FED started to pump the economy with QE in 2010/11. However, the pandemic has taught us one thing. Currencies are inherently volatile, they will always fluctuate and lose value. Precious metals are a safe haven and always have been. Gold in particular is a much-loved investment opportunity because it is inherently stable. The problem has been that it’s stayed relatively low in value for such a long time due to the fiat currency world that we live in.
The pandemic has shown that paper money cannot and doesn’t ever do well in crises. But, gold has and always will. That’s why you should read up on the advantages of a gold ira. Gold has gone from $1,381 per 1 oz in December 2019 to now $1,809 at the present day. That is almost a 50% rise in value in just a few months. Gold is a great investment for retirement because it is stable and will never be undervalued. So no matter what happens in the global economy, your long-term retirement plan will be vastly supplemented with a gold IRA.

A return to basics

The entrepreneurial investment world has been rocked by scandal after scandal these past few years. Elizabeth Holmes lied about her product and despite her company Theranos being worth $100 billion, it collapsed. WeWork was this new trendy coworking company, but it too blew away billions with poor management, lack of leadership and a doomed business model.
There have been many stories that show young brash know-it-all too-good-to-be-true entrepreneurs are always the best people to trust, let alone invest in. It’s time to get back to basics when it comes to startup funding. Lean and mean is the type of startup company you need to invest in. they must have sound principles, a good eye for efficient business spending and above all else, a focus on making their product or service work.
Lean companies are able to ride out any type of storm. They have few employees, their costs are very low and they have a focus on the task at hand. Essentially, you’re not paying for very much, but what you get is consistent improvement in products and services. When you’re ready to pull the investment trigger, that’s when you start pouring your money in. You need to have working examples first!
Wholesalers are strong
For months now, people have been stuck indoors and not allowed to even go to work. Do you think people would have stopped buying and waited for the storm out? No, of course not, they just went online and bought more things from places like Amazon.
Just like gold, wholesalers appear to be stable no matter what. Online buying has increased exponentially. This means that people haven’t stopped buying things per se, they’ve just shifted to purely online purchasing. The stock price of Amazon before the crisis was $1,892 and now it’s $2,961. It peaked a couple of weeks ago at $3,200. Clearly, this is your chance to invest in a company that has not just weathered the storm but has built an even bigger ship that can ride any wave of turbulence.
Long-term investment during a pandemic might be the last thing on your mind. But, look closer and you can see, there are signs that some companies and commodities are shockproof. Gold, in particular, is a safe haven you must get into right now. Invest in companies that are building the future and you will be ahead of the game by many years.