Top 5 Tips to Follow When Creating a Start-Up Business Plan

When you’re just starting out with your business, you’ll probably have no idea where to even begin. Even if you’ve been following the entrepreneurial path for a while now, it’s likely that you’ve never worked on a business plan before. It’s also likely that you’re worried about whether you’re doing the right thing for your future. 

With that in mind, here are some great tips for creating a start-up business plan. This process might seem intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’ll become second nature. Keep reading to learn how to create a start-up business plan, and the best resources to help you along the way.

1. Define your business model

The most important part of any business plan is defining your business model. This model will tell you how you plan to generate revenue and also help you determine your product/service offerings. A good place to start is to first map out your sales funnel.  For example, let’s say you’re planning on selling food products. The first step in that sales funnel is to define the consumer (you and me). 

Now, the consumer can be broken down into different categories, like age, gender, and income level. Once you’ve determined what consumer you want to target, you can then decide how you want to reach them.  The key components of a business model should include relating to your target customers, the market, organization strengths and challenges and how your product will be sold.

2. Invest in a business plan writer

If you’re serious about creating a start-up business plan, then you’re going to need professional help. This is where a business plan writer comes in. While you can write your own business plan, it’s going to be a lot easier and faster to let them take over the writing process. In this day and age, you’re likely looking into business plan services that can help turn your business plan into a professional report. As a result, a business plan writer can help you create a start-up business plan that’s perfect for all audiences.

3. Estimate your costs

Now that you have a general idea of who your ideal customer base is and what they like, it’s time to figure out the costs associated with reaching that customer base. You can do a quick Google search to find out what it costs to reach certain demographics with certain advertising channels. Once you have a general idea of the costs associated with reaching your customers, write them down in your business plan.  Think of these costs as your upfront investments. 

It will be easier to keep track and report on both if you have a separate business bank account. This will make it easier to keep track of your business expenses. If figures really aren’t your thing, seek assistance when producing your business plan, from a trusted financial advisor. 

  1. Identify your competitors.

To understand your market, you must recognize all competitors-who they are, their strengths and weaknesses and the likely implications for your business. All businesses face competition-your plan should show you have a clear strategy for dealing with all your competitors.

5. Diversify your investment portfolio

Once you’ve calculated your initial investment and have a general idea of how much revenue you’ll be bringing in, it’s time to diversify your investment portfolio. This will help you make sure that your company is sustainable in the long term.  There are a few ways to diversify your investment portfolio. The most obvious is to invest in multiple start-up businesses. 

The second way is to invest in a hedge fund or other investment that includes a wide range of industries. The third way is to invest in different industries.  This is a great way to hedge your investment portfolio. If one industry goes south, you’re still going to be in other profitable industries. This will help you hedge your investment portfolio against adversity.


Creating a start-up business plan is a great way to get your feet wet in the entrepreneurial world. It’s a process that can be overwhelming at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’ll become second nature. The more you practice, the better you’ll be at it. Entrepreneurship is a great way to make a difference in the world, so make sure you enjoy the process while you’re at it.

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