There are two essential questions a business wants to ask during the quarantine.
First: How can we support our community?
Second: How can we not just survive but also thrive under the challenging circumstances?
Indeed, in these difficult times, only the most creative businesses can adapt to the crisis situation. You have to think of the big picture. Companies that are not able to generate a positive profit are unlikely to reopen. Your survival is not only detrimental to your employees. It will also help the local economy heal and grow. As such, answering the second question will automatically answer the first, too. Here are some ideas to consider when you’re trying to boost your sales.
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Get tools that do all the hard work for you
As most businesses are maintaining an online and remote presence during the virus, your priority to grow sales revenues is to build solid digital marketing foundations. If you haven’t already, now’s the best time to start recording digital data and running data analysis to get a full understanding of your customers’ behaviors and needs. Marketing tools such as Google Analytics, for instance, can help you identify new sales potentials. You also need to deploy a reliable and safe IT system that lets you collect, store, and plan data-based campaigns.
How do you sell more by working less?
When you’re stuck in your home office, you can’t afford to waste precious time manually converting your leads into customers. You need to establish an automated system that can not only do the hard work for you but increase your sales revenues. Here’s a tip: Changing prices isn’t going to help. What you can do, however, is build a marketing funnel that naturally encourages interested visitors to buy more. Your options are limited to create compelling digital campaigns, but you can rely on marketing strategies such as the sales letter funnel to increase cart value. The idea is to bring a one-time offer to each sale so that customers can either accept the offer or be redirected towards another alternative.
Let your clients create the content
Creating regular content makes you more relevant to your audience. But there is only so much content you can generate when your entire business process is affected by the quarantine situation. What you can do, however, is entrust fresh content to your existing customers. Many brands sponsor customer-generated posts, such as H&M, which has an #hmxme hashtag on social media. The hashtag enables customers to showcase their outfits or home ware inspired by the brand’s products. Shoppers can also find samples from the hmxme campaign on the website, which keeps the brand engaged and customer-focus.
Get vocal about your experience
Every brand needs to show their personal experience. You can share social media stories about what your business does to support the local community or how you handle self-isolation stress. It’s the perfect opportunity to reach out and get involved. As a brand, you can use the positive publicity to boost your profile. As a business, you can grow your customer base by getting more visible.
Now more than ever, businesses need to be strategic about their approach. As devastating as the situation is, you can’t afford to let it drag your budget into the red. Finding ways to save your business and grow your sales will, in the long term, help rebuild the economy.