Unless you have been living under a rock for the past five years you will know just how important going green as a business is. Indeed, it can have a huge effect on the way the general public and your customers see your company and make them much more likely to choose you when it comes to making a decision.
However, what some businesses often don’t realize is that going green tends to be a financially sound decision as well. In fact, you can save a great deal of money by switching to more sustainable practices. Keep reading to find out how.
Choose preloved office furniture
If you are running an office or business premises you will need the right kind of furniture to allow your employees to do their job. However, furniture can be one of the most expensive costs, and buying brand news is bad for the environment. This is because there is considerable waste generated during the furniture manufacturer process, not to mention the wood that needs to be harvested. Something that can seriously impact both local ecosystems, and the greenhouse effect.
With that in mind, opting for furniture that has already been used is the best approach. Indeed, you will cut out all the waste, and pollution of the manufacturing process, and stop these items from ending up in landfills too.
Of course, you can expect to pay a much more reasonable rate for second-hand office furniture too. The great thing is that such pieces are built to last, and so will still look great and have plenty of use left in them.
Be sure that any equipment you have is working efficiently
Another important way of saving money while going green is to make sure that any equipment on your premises is running efficiently. A good example of this is HVAC, which many businesses have and can be expensive and wasteful to run if it’s not maintained correctly.
Of course, this point applies to all types of equipment, because when they are well cared for, they will work at their optimum, thereby wasting less energy, and costing less, while also putting out less pollution.
Cut your energy bills
While we are on the subject of energy, it makes perfect sense to conserve it where you can as you are running your business. After all, energy isn’t free, you have to pay for every unit you use, so you can greatly reduce your costs, by cutting the amount of power you use to run your business.
This is great news for the environment too, as using less energy again means fewer pollutants will enter the atmosphere, and fewer resources will be consumed.
The good news is there are many ways you can save significant amounts of energy while running your business. The first is to choose Commercial LED Lighting for your office, and locations like your parking lots. The reason is that they offer great quality and brightness, but require far less energy to run.
Secondly, you can save energy by making sure your buildings are properly insulated. This will help keep the temperature inside more consistent, which means you will need to use heating and cooling methods much less.
Encourage working from home
Another way that you can save a fortune on business operating costs and do your bit for the environment is to encourage your employees to work from home. Indeed, by doing this you will automatically use a great deal less energy, and so save money, and help the environment at the same time.
Of course, if you switch entirely to a ‘working from home’ model, you can save even more energy, and money too. Indeed, your business will also be able to cut the costs associated with leasing a building, security, and even site insurance.
Phase-out in-person meetings
While the pandemic has been rough for us all, one thing to come out of it all is how easy it is to use video conferencing instead of traveling all over the country and world to have face to face meetings. Indeed, we can instantly get in touch with just about anyone in the world!

The great thing about video meetings is that they not only cut out all that unproductive travel time, which will save your business money but the cost of traveling as well. Video meetings are great for the environment too because they eliminate the need for fuel vehicles like planes, trains, and cars, and all the resources they use and the pollution they produce.