Alongside a more structured marketing campaign, you should also look at a few secondary advertising avenues. These are ideas that don’t have as much structure to them and can be done whenever you like. In fact, all of the ideas listed below will advertise your business while you go about your daily routine.
Branded clothing/accessories
Creating some clothing or accessories with your brand logo is a super-easy way of advertising your business. You can walk around wherever you like and people will see your logo and start identifying with your company. There are loads of ideas to explore, some are subtle like custom pins, others are more obvious like a custom hoody. Now, you can walk to work, go to the shops, and advertise your business the whole time. With clothing items, you can even find room to add contact details on the back of a jumper or t-shirt.
Wrapping your vehicle
This technique was spoken about in a previous article on real-world ways to promote your business. However, it’s relevant once again. A vehicle wrap means you can place your company logo and contact details on the sides or rear of your car. Whenever you go out for a drive, you’re advertising your company. It’s a simple and effective way of getting more eyes on your brand. Also, it has the secondary benefit of potentially improving your brand image. Of course, this depends on your car. If you have a nice executive-looking car that’s very clean and shiny, then it reflects well on your business. People see the nice car, they see the wrap, and they instantly view your business in a positive light.
Branded tote bags
Tote bags are a fantastic accessory for you to use when advertising your business. It’s a straightforward concept- you put your logo on a tote bag! Now, you can walk out and carry this bag with you wherever you go. It can fit your work equipment in, it’s an excellent alternative to plastic shopping bags, and so on. The beauty of this idea – along with branded clothing – is that you can distribute the products amongst your employees. Thus, they’re advertising during their daily routines as well! Also, you can promote the fact that your tote bags can replace shopping bags and market yourself as a green company. You can even hand them out as free gifts to customers, increasing your marketing scope.
Everything listed in this article can be used to advertise your business without even trying. Even when you’re popping to the local shop to get some milk, you can promote your company. The absolute best thing about all of these ideas is that they hardly cost any money. Aside from the initial cost of making the branded products or wrapping your car, you don’t have to pay a penny to advertise your business.