Enhancing Integration Between Disparate Departments

As a business leader and owner, it’s important to consider synergy between all aspects of your departmental setup. Synergy can seem like a buzzword from the mid-2000s that refuses to die out, but thankfully, it still has value and utility to a great many planning their business. When it comes to ensuring that departments communicate and synchronize with one another, direct action is needed. We cannot expect this to happen without our direct input.

In large office buildings, departments will be situated on different floors or far apart from one another, and this can be a problem. The establishment of a mutual elevator through Lift Works have allowed the natural flow of people within buildings to become the norm, but it’s also important to establish competent reasons for communication between staff, and from there the possibility of seeing those practical efforts take form.

With some of our following advice, we hope to provide a means for any business manager, hoping to optimize the minutiae of their firm, the means in which to bring departments together, no matter how different their functions:

Encourage The Flow Of People

Encouraging the flow of people between departments can enhance collaboration, especially if in your office people aren’t as tied to their desks as in other firms. Allowing for this seamless transition, perhaps through Lift Works installations, perhaps through affording many communal areas and encouraging their use, or even through bringing many team members to act as ambassadors and to curate mutual conversation between said teams, the more you can bring your talent together working in the same spirit, the better your overall results will be.

Sign Up For An Instant Messaging Platform

Of course, meeting face to face is one thing, but it’s also important to allow for modern tech trends to influence how your department communicates with one another. Signing up for an instant messaging platform may be the first pursuit you should take when structuring your digital allowances. Apps such as Signal and Slack have this versatility in professional use ironed out. If you’re not happy with using an app such as this, sometimes G-Suite or Cloud suite arrangements such as Hangouts or other provisions can be worthwhile. It’s important that staff can quickly and briefly communicate with one another outside of the email field.

Routine Team Building Activities

Team building activity scheduling is not simply a corporate fad that refuses to die out. In many instances, there’s no better way than to bring members of different departments together, having them work towards a sober, conclusive goal, and doing so in the spirit of teamwork. It can help them get outside of themselves, as the more ridiculous the team building activity the better. This helps lower the sense of professional defense each employee of yours has taken the time to curate, and instead gives them the chance to be who they really are. This is also much less messy than a free bar at the Christmas party or annual award show, that’s for sure.

With this advice, we hope you can better enhance integration between your disparate departments.

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