These Financial Tips Will Make you Instantly Smarter with Money

Do you feel as though you aren’t as smart with money as you could be? Being smart with money is all about knowing yourself, and it is also about knowing the weaknesses and strengths that you have too. If you feel as though your willpower isn’t as good as it could be when it comes to money, then there are things that you can do about this. Take a look below to find out more.

Automate Everything

It is imperative that you automate everything where possible. This includes your bills, your loan repayments and more. The fewer steps you can take when it comes to moving your money, the easier things will be. The best thing about automatic repayments and savings is that when everything is set up, you’ll make it easier to stick to good habits. You can essentially set it and forget it, not to mention that this will remove some of the temptations that comes with not transferring into your savings from time to time. If you feel as though you need some more financial support in this department, then why not hire a good accountant like Perks?

Have Goals

Sticking to the budget that you have can be super difficult, especially if you have to give up on the things that you love to make it happen. You won’t feel as bad though if you have to give up your luxuries from time to time if you know that the money is going on something that you really love. It doesn’t matter whether it is a new house, a retirement fund or even a holiday because it is always good for you to have some goals set for yourself.


Keeping your money in a simple savings account is not always a good idea. Sure, there is some benefit to having a savings account, but at the end of the day, you may find that your purchasing power lowers over time. If you want to do something about this, then you need to look into investing. It’s not as scary as you believe it to be and if you can take the time to chat with a financial advisor, then you will soon find that things become easier and clearer.

Don’t Spend Unexpected Money

It can be tempting to treat yourself when you come into unexpected money, but you should try and avoid this if possible. If you weren’t expecting to get the money in the first place, then there is a high chance that you won’t miss it. You may find that it helps you to speed up the progress you are making to your financial goals too, and this can only ever be a good thing.

Prioritize Big Debt

If you find that you are trying to juggle a lot of high-interest debt, then you may find it frustrating trying to spread your cash over all of your repayments. If you want to do something about this, then try and tackle some of the high-interest debt first, and then work on your other debts. If you can do this, then you will soon find that things work in your favor.


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