The Tech Skills Most In Demand Right Now

One of the big advantages of a career in tech is that you’re investing your time in learning skills that are likely to be relevant for years to come. Digital technology rules the workplace and is likely to continue doing the same for a long time to come. But it’s also a very wide field of work, and you might want to find the most lucrative and secure specialty within the path. For that reason, we’ll take a look at the tech skills most in demand across all industries at the moment.

Software and app development/programming

While many businesses will run just fine paying for and using whatever software is on the market, there is always a demand for those who are able to build software and apps for their clients. This can include software that is to be used internally by staff to help them with processes. However, more and more companies are building apps that allow them new platforms to interface and interact with their customers, as well. There are both in-house employment opportunities and plenty of room to freelance and run your own business for those who can develop and program apps and software.


For as long as we’re relying on digital technology, there is never likely to be a moment when cybersecurity is not one of the most important considerations in business. Protecting the business’s data is vital, as long it can lead to financial, legal, and reputational ruin. As such, most businesses will have a need for a cybersecurity engineer. What is a cybersecurity engineer? They are professionals who tailor both hardware and software solutions to oversee the entire security scope of a business’s digital technology. Knowing your cybersecurity will mean that you are able to find a place in just about any business, whether it’s as a common IT guy or someone who advises business clients on security measures they are missing.

Data science and analysis

One of the resources that have become tremendously more valuable in the past decade is data. Businesses have been collecting data on both their customers and internal processes for a long time, but only recently have we had the technological ability to compile data from a wide range of sources. What does a data analyst do? Effectively, the role is about pulling together the available data from a wide range of sources, then sorting through it to lend insight that allows us to make better decisions. For instance, we can learn a lot more about how to successfully market to and convert customers is we look at the analytics that tells us how they engage with our existing marketing and sales platforms. However, data analysis also goes into internal functions in businesses, too.

Cloud Computing

What is Cloud computing? Simply speaking, the Cloud refers to resources and tools that are hosted through the internet. Businesses are looking at ways to operate more flexibly, to be agile to changes in location, access to technology, and so on. Cloud engineers, for instance, may create apps that can be accessed through the Cloud that allow remote teams to use the same tools that people in the office might be using. There are also Software as a Service providers who will create a Cloud application that they will then license to clients for a fee. Cloud storage is a less demanding use of the Cloud, but businesses with a need for a large volume of Cloud storage may hire someone to help them find and manage those storage options.

Artificial intelligence

The workload that we handle with digital technology is constantly on the increase. As such, it’s getting the point that human operators alone are not enough to deal with the demand. Automation of digital tasks has been a thing in business for a long time, but artificial intelligence has come to the fore as of late, helping software tools deal with more tasks so that human employees can move on to more demanding abilities. Machine learning is playing a larger role in a lot of different sectors, such as taking care of customer service through AI-driven chatbots. Expertise with artificial intelligence and machine learning is only likely to become more valuable over time, too.

It’s important to know which tech skills are in demand are likely to change with emerging technologies. Cloud technology and data science are hot button topics right now and, while they are likely to remain relevant for a long time to come, you should also be flexible to the new hot button skills that appear in the future, too.

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