Saving Yourself Stress by Taking Care of Your Office Space

Are you about to re-open your doors for the first time? Or, maybe you’ve stayed open throughout these uncertain times, but you know your place of business could use some sprucing up. 

You probably do some tidying up around your office every day before you go home. Maybe you even have a cleaning crew come in regularly to vacuum the floors and dust. But, do you take care of your office’s overall maintenance the same way you would in your own home? 

It’s easy to ignore the fact that an office building is just that – a building. All buildings need regular maintenance and upkeep in order to not only look good but stay strong. Taking care of your office space will ensure you look professional and can help to create a better environment for your employees. So, what are some things you should regularly do? 

Keep Your HVAC System Maintained

When was the last time the furnace filter was changed? How old is your boiler system? Is the steam condensate pump working properly? It’s recommended that you have an industry professional come out to service your HVAC system twice a year to make sure everything is running smoothly. 

The last thing you want in any kind of business is to suddenly run into issues with cooling in the summer or heat in the winter, leaving everyone uncomfortable. 

Additionally, keeping your HVAC system well-maintained can ensure it’s running efficiently, which can save you money in utility costs. 

Disinfect Surfaces

In the wake of the economic issues, cleanliness is more important than ever. If you’re used to wiping off desks and windows with some kind of all-purpose cleaner, you can still do that, but follow it up with a disinfectant. 

Viruses and other bacteria can live on surfaces for hours or even days. Wiping everything down with a disinfectant will help to ensure that anyone who comes in contact with those surfaces won’t be exposed to anything harmful. 

Go for a Facelift

A fresh coat of paint can go a long way when it comes to how your office looks. If it’s been a while since your place of business has seen any remodeling, you can take things into your own hands by painting, or hiring a professional service to come to do it for you. A new paint job can make everything look cleaner and stronger, and make your office more appealing to employees and consumers alike. 

It can also be a great way to boost employee morale and motivation. When your employees know that you’re excited to get to work each day and that you love your office space, they’re more likely to feel the same way. 

These simple maintenance and upgrading tips might seem like common sense, but far too many people ignore the overall upkeep of their office beyond light daily cleaning. 

Take a look around your own space and consider what could be done to spruce it up. It might be “just a building,” but after going through these strange times, people getting back to work are going to need the comfort and familiarity of their office buildings more than ever. Take the time to make sure yours looks great.

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