Products Businesses You Can Do From Home

When people consider getting into business, we often think of services – writing, editing, SaaS, and more. But some people who crave running their own business picture themselves packing and wrapping a product they have made themselves. 

Learning how to perfect an earring part, screen printing, or even using new tech like a ReDeTec 3D printer to create plant pots. 

So if you love the idea of creating products but aren’t sure what type of product you want to create and sell yet, here are a few ideas. 


Candle-making kits have been given as a gift for many years now, and thousands of candles are on the market – but that hasn’t stopped people from buying. Estimations show that the candle market in 2031 will be worth a whopping $16 billion

The candle market is an interesting place to start because the skill level is relatively low early on while you work with melt-and-pour options. Over time you can branch out into more niche candles. 

Once you have found your niche and got the production down, you can sell small limited edition batches on top of your regular ones. 

Keep in mind you’ll need safety labeling and insurance. 

Prints and Artwork

Thanks to the internet, there are more creator tools online than ever before to help artists produce prints and other goods with their artwork. Digital prints, physical printing, original artworks, commissions, and more. Every type of artist in every niche has a market out there, and once you uncover yours, you’ll be able to do what you love for a living. 

Try to get your work into local galleries or network with other local artists to increase your profile, and consider using multiple formats. 

Tote bags

The tote bag industry is strong; customers buy one or more tote bags and use them instead of plastic bags. The great thing about tote bags is that you can do them two ways. You can opt for sewing the bags at home and screen printing or putting your design onto a print-on-demand store. 

Print-on-demand stores take a lot of the leg work out, but it does mean you won’t have as much control over the quality of the work. 

Soaps and bath bombs

Many online tutorials can teach you to make a bath bomb in no time, and once you have the technique down, you can start experimenting and move into the niche you like. You might opt for natural ingredients or organic options. 

For those who need to increase their confidence in the craft, you can start by making bath salt blends and smaller fizzes. 

You’ll need to keep an eye on your inventory, though, because if you opt for natural ingredients, they have a shorter shelf life and can expire – leaving you with some losses. Always be sure the natural ingredients are beauty-grade. 

You may also need licenses to make and sell the products. 


Wire wrapping, knotting cords, beadwork, or more specialized work like silversmithing and metal hammering are all great options. You can start as low-tech as you want, and as you build up a customer base and understand the market more, switch to the more complicated options. 

Craftsmanship and branding are made or broken for jewelry, and jewelry often creates or follows trends. So unless you opt for classic designs and materials, you will need to keep a finger on the pulse of fashion and design. 

Subscription boxes

If you aren’t great at making, but you can put together a beautiful gift box filled with treats that just seem to work together – then subscription or gift boxes might be for you. While gift boxes are packed on demand, subscription boxes will all be packed at once and all identical – unless you choose a different model.

Box-based businesses will need more storage space than most other businesses because of the amount of stock they will have. 

And you’ll need to be prepared to source new products every month so your subscribers will never get bored or keep getting the same items. 


There has been a significant increase in people looking for more personalized cards and other paper products. You can create by hand or work with a designer to help you create your vision. Selling cards online is low-stress, and there are likely peak seasons and low times, too – so cards could be an interesting addition to the art business. 

Insurance is essential for any business you run from home and delivering services or products to customers: 7 Important Types Of Insurance That You Should Get As Soon As Possible – The Fortunate Investor.

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