Is Building Your Own Website a Good Idea?

Is building a website a good idea? Building one for your business is easier now more than ever thanks to website builder platforms such as WordPress or Squarespace. These allow users how to have little to no coding or web development experience to construct a website with their handy drag and drop feature. This option is accessible to everyone and these website builder platforms tend to be affordable as well.

This makes it an excellent option for the entrepreneur who’s on a tight budget. Sure, there are some clear advantages to building your own website for your business but there are things that need to be considered. Do you have time to work on a website? How about the budget?

What are the disadvantages of building your own website?

When it comes to most drag and drop or theme-related websites, it gets to the point where features are limited as the layouts begin to look similar. Those who have a keen eye for web design can usually pinpoint the website platform that was used for creating said website. Many features can be limited, especially if you have a big vision for your website. There are plenty of qualities that make a good entrepreneur, but the website is one that really needs to stick out.

The factors you should think about when it comes to SEO

There is a lot of debate when it comes to SEO. Some themes and website builders have a reputation for not entirely putting SEO in mind. SEO is known for being incredibly complex and it’s sometimes something that’s best left to the professionals such as an SEO marketing company.  Unless you have plenty of experience with SEO (not just in-content SEO) then it may be best to not carry this out on your website. Sure, it’s possible to hire some sort of SEO service while you’re working on your website, but sometimes this can be a bit pricey.

How big is your budget?

For some, they opt to choose someone because they have a large budget. Website builders are known for being quite affordable, to a degree. Website builders such as WordPress are notorious for being cheap. You honestly will only need to buy hosting a domain name, with other websites, it can vary.

 While website builders, in general, are known for being quite cheap, they do have the potential of being expensive. Some website builders have monthly or yearly plans, you may have to pay money for a theme, plugins, widgets, or possibly even other things. While the idea of a website builder sounds cheap, there is no doubt about it that they can get expensive.

How do you envision the design?

It’s important to try to have an eye for design when you’re building your website. The average web developer or web designer will have an eye for design. It’s important that the website is not only functional but it looks good.  Website builders tend to make their websites look like one giant template.  Sometimes, there are courses online that can help improve your design, and there are themes and templates out there that don’t even look generic (but those can be expensive or take too much time trying to find).

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