How To Make Your Store Instantly More Noticeable

One of the best ways to ensure that your store gets a lot of business is to try and make it more noticeable from the outside. Foot traffic is one of the most important sources of business for a retail store. It’s crucial that you focus your attention on making your store stand out so that it draws people in from the public. In this post, we’ll be taking a look at some of the most common ways to help your store become instantly more noticeable.

Have something recognizable

Whether it’s a unique store display, a mascot, or a certain color that you’ve painted the outside of your store in, your store should have something to distinguish it from neighboring stores. For example, if you were to ever consider changing to a new location, you should have something that can easily help you stand out and make you recognizable to a repeat customer.

For many businesses, this is simply an outdoor display or a large sign with their logo. For others, it could be a signature color scheme that their brand uses. There are lots of ideas to try here, so be sure to experiment but stick with something that helps to make your brand recognizable.

Set up an appealing display

If you’re lucky enough to have a large window display or two in your store, then it’s a good idea to try and fill it with products or posters to show people what your store is all about. Store displays are extremely important at creating a good first impression. They’re not only a chance to show what products you have in your store but also a good opportunity to let potential customers look inside of your store to see what it looks like.

Here are a couple of tips to take your store displays to the next level:

  • Don’t use too much text on your displays. Keep your messages short, simple, and impactful when possible.
  • Use lighting to your advantage by highlighting certain products. You can use small spotlights to make certain products or messages pop out.
  • Change your displays every week or so. Give people something new to get excited about whenever they walk past your store.

Give your customers something good to remember

The last thing you want is for your customers to associate something negative with your store exterior. For example, people can associate stores with the quality of their exterior. If you haven’t used a commercial roofing company to improve the appearance of your store, then you might be seen by your audience as that lazy store that refuses to repair the outside of their shop.

When people have something positive to remember your store by, it helps you stay fresh in their mind and it convinces them to give your store a visit someday. It’s important not to overlook this as it can be a great opportunity to convince curious people to pass by your store and take a look inside.

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