How To Avoid Accidents And Injury At The Office

You might not consider an office being as dangerous as other places of work such as construction sites, factories, and hospitals but they can have several dangerous hazards of their own as well. If you want to stay safe at work you need to keep your eye out for these. There are also negative impacts that working in an office can have on your health. Make sure that you and your employer are aware of the risks. Here are some tips on how to be health and safety conscious at work.

Prevent ergonomic injuries

These can be very problematic and depend on the positioning of your work station. This includes your chair, desk, computer, and keyboard. You can buy alternatives that are designed to prevent a repetitive strain injury, rather than cause one so speak to your boss and see if you can get an upgrade. 

A lot of screen time is bad for your eyes. Many of you will spend most of the working day staring at a computer so try to take breaks from time to time. Make sure the monitor is at the optimum distance from you which is roughly 10-15 inches away. Keep it slightly below eye level. You could speak to your employer if you’re unhappy with your electronic equipment. Eye strain can cause tiredness, headaches and neck problems so ensure that you are comfortable. 

Fire safety

It’s the responsibility of any supervisor to make sure all staff go through fire safety training so make sure you know all your fire exits and procedures. If the office doesn’t run a fire drill very often or test fire alarms this may also be something you need to report. Is your work space set up correctly according to the recent fire safety restrictions

Stress and well-being

Stress is one of the most common causes of health problems in adults. Your work-life balance can have a huge influence on this. Make sure you are happy in your working environment and with your coworkers as well. If you have any difficulties in your personal life you could consider communicating them to your boss if you feel they’re affecting you at work. For more advice on how to reduce stress click here

Prevent slips and spills

Falling over is a very common cause of accidents in the office and approximately 30% of injuries are caused by falls. Common causes of falls are loose flooring, cables, and debris. What you can do is get rid of any clutter and ask your employer to provide covers or clamps for loose cables. If necessary, rearrange your desk furniture to keep everything tucked away safely. Be careful when carrying liquids and if you spill anything clean it up, or report it immediately, for the safety of you and your coworkers. If you notice any leaks that leave puddles on the floor report these to maintenance. If you have an accident at work caused by negligence contact ADA Defense Law as you could be owed compensation.

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