A Guide to Preventing Gift Card Fraud

Cyber-crime is always a real risk, and with so many businesses inadequately protected, the unethical hackers make lots of money by stealing sensitive financial data, and anyone running an online gift card program is at risk. The following tips should help you avoid becoming the victim of cyber-criminals by protecting your online gift card system.

The Free Gift Card Scam

People sometimes receive a message or email telling them they have won a free gift card; all they have to do is confirm their identity by entering specific data and they can receive the gift.

Gift Card Buyers

This is the most vulnerable group, and hackers can easily send a gift card buyer to a phishing website, where they enter their credit card details. If you have a blog page on your website, why not inform your customers about common online scams? 

Use the Best Gift Card Management Software

If you search online for the best gift voucher system, this will take you to a leading developer’s website, where you can learn all about the many features the package contains. There are powerful security tools that will keep out hackers and provide your customers with a secure financial transaction environment, and it is very affordable. 

Having a Secure Network

This is the key to total data protection, and if your network is not being protected, talk to a leading cyber-security provider and they can carry out penetrative testing to see how vulnerable you are. While this is not connected to your gift card software, all your data is at risk if you do not have network protection, which could come in the form of a firewall.

Update all Anti-Virus Software

 Many anti-virus programs have known virus databases, and if they are not updated, new viruses will not be recognized. There are malicious sections of code released on a daily basis and without regular updates, your security is far from complete.

Secure Socket

 Your websites all need to have security certificates (SSL) which is demonstrated by either a small padlock at the left side of the URL window, or the letter ‘s’ after the ‘http’ (https), which indicates the site is secure for financial transactions. You might notice that many websites have ‘http’ yet they are not selling online and therefore, no financial data is transmitted. Every e-commerce website should have a recognised SSL certificate, which can easily be obtained online for a few dollars.

Professional Security Support

If you find the right software developer, they will have their own online protection for the stores you create, ensuring that all domains are protected. Dealing with a leading gift card management software developer is the smart thing to do, as they will ensure that all of your platforms (and customers) are protected.

If you are not using gift cards with your online business, you are missing out on a good revenue source, and by using the best software, you can be sure that all your platforms are secure.

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