9 Ways You Can Remove Stress From Your House Move

Moving home can seem like a challenging and stressful time, however, there are some proven methods that can make moving day much easier. It certainly doesn’t need to be as stressful as all the stories! Whether you are moving across the country, to another state or country, or just around the corner, one of the best things you can do is prepare for your move rather than wing it. 

If you are looking to take the stress out of your move and allow it to go ahead without a hitch, have a look at the following tips: 

Organize And Plan Your Move Early

When it comes to moving houses, you shouldn’t rely on any last-minute plans to get you where you want without any problems. Unless you have to pick up and move asap and in a hurry, you ideally need to use between four and eight weeks to plan your move and organize it properly. From arranging your car to be transported through CarsRelo to labeling your boxes so they make it to the correct rooms, there is plenty for you to be getting on with and soon. Make a list of everything that needs to be completed and think sensibly about what needs to be arranged sooner rather than later. For example, if you need to arrange home movers to assist and it’s peak moving season, you can’t guarantee they will be available when you want them. 

Think About Donating Unwanted Items

One of the biggest things that people realize when they start to declutter and minimalize their homes, is that they have a lot more items that are unwanted than they realized. There is absolutely no point in you lugging boxes from one home to another if they are full of items that you no longer use. If you don’t use them in your old home, are you really going to use them in your new home? Or are they going to sit in a box for a month on end? You can save yourself a lot of time and effort by sorting through your unwanted items now and donate them to charity where they can be put to great use. This works great for downsizing, and for getting rid of unneeded or unused clothing that has been sitting in your closet. Some people also choose to fill their home with new furniture or electronics, so donate your old ones before you move. 

Packing In Advance

Although it can be difficult to get started, the sooner you can start packing the better. You will feel much less stressed if you do a little bit of sorting and packing in the weeks leading up to your move, rather than trying to do it in a few days. You can remain organized if you get all the packing materials you need in advance including boxes in an assortment of sizes, tape, coloured markers, sticker labels, and bubble wrap. You should also think about creating yourself a colored coded packing method, for example, use red labels for everything that is fragile and write fragile across the box in capital letters, and use blue for everything that needs to go in the kitchen. This way the moving day will be easier and quicker. 

Consider Arranging Professional Movers

Even though you may be thinking about moving yourself, it’s a good idea to consider professional help. Weigh up the positives and negatives and then you will be able to see which option is better for you. It can be very easy to underestimate how much you need to move, and if it can’t fit all in one trip (especially if you are moving a fair distance), you will most likely benefit from using professional movers. The experts can also help with the heavy lifting and advise you of the best and most efficient way to move your belongings. Some moving services will help you with everything from just the moving through to packing and re-assembling. 

Doing It Yourself With The Right Van

If you are only moving a short distance, you need to pick the right van. You may even be able to get away with using a smaller van and doing a few journeys instead of doing it all in one go. This can also lead to you being able to spread your workload over a few days. Using tools such as removal van calculators online can help you to figure out what size van will be good for your move. 

Pack Yourself An Essentials Bag

One of the biggest mistakes that people make is packing absolutely everything and forgetting about the essentials. You should pack yourself and others in the household at least, an overnight bag including things such as a toothbrush, phone charger,  hairbrush, and change of clothes. You may also want to think about packing a small kitchen pack that includes items such as tea bags, coffee, and few paper plates, a knife and fork each, and UHT milk. 

Let Your Important Contacts Know You Are Moving

If you don’t want to run into trouble or feel completely out of sync when you move, you need to make a list of the companies, utilities, and other contacts that need to be aware of your moving date and new address. Things such as a broadband installation date can often take a while to secure. If you know 100% what your move-in date will be, organize tasks like this in advance. This is even more important if you are going to working from home and need the broadband to complete a normal working day. From the postoffice through to contacting the local council makes sure you let the right people know. 

Keep Your Movers In The Know

Asking for packing material like tape and boxes is one thing, but when it comes to heavy and larger items, it is essential that you share as much information with your movers as possible. You need to make sure they know exactly what needs to be moved and what items may require extra insurance. If you have any items such as a pool table, piano, or any access problems such as small entrances then let them know as soon as you can. They will be able to accommodate what you need and put a plan in place, but they need to know about to do it properly. Even the most minor of details can help your movers to work more effectively and efferently on moving day. 

Make Sure The Kids Are Entertained

It’s certainly not surprising to learn that moving day can be more stressful when children are involved. However, there are some ways you can make the whole process less of a hassle, meaning, finding ways to entertain the kids. From a preplanned fort through to a tablet preloaded with movies it can help to entertain the little ones while you get the tasks completed that you need to. If you’re not moving far, you may want to consider asking a friend or family member to look after the kids for the first day and setting up their room ready for them to settle in. 

This guide will help you to move home without the stress and worries that usually happen. Moving can be just as exciting and done with ease instead of being stressful and tiring. Are you planning to move soon? What plans have you put in place? Please share some of your organization in the comments section below.

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