7 Ways Of Raising Your Profile Online

When people elect to make a difference in their lives and change for the better, they usually mean they want to stop living the mundane life they’re currently living. Sometimes, they’ll choose to change their negative behavior, but it’ll mainly be to be able to make something of themselves. Those who have lived thus far through getting by week-to-week tend to get a little sick of the lack of ambition. Sure, taking it steady and enjoying the current life you have right now can be nice, but it’s only natural to pursue great things.

Many people will look to create a business and check out the latest startup tips in order to get things going. They’ll have a vision in their head and a multitude of ideas. Some will look to put effort into the work they’re doing and the business they’re hoping to create, and others might look to place focus on themselves. The latter is who we’re going to be focusing on in this article. Becoming a highly-valued profile or an influencer is something that has a lot of benefits in this life. You may not want the fame that comes with it, but being well-known and respected in an industry that you’re hoping to break into helps out a fair bit. 

It’s just a case of raising your profile and making yourself more of a respected, known person. If you’re going to be a name that people are aware of, then you’re going to have to put in the work. This kind of thing doesn’t just fall onto your lap. Fortunately, there are lots and lots of different ways you can raise your online profile and introduce yourself to many different opportunities. Of course, some of the following ideas may not suit you or what you’re trying to do, but they could act as guidelines for what you should be doing. So, without further ado, here are eight methods of boosting your name and adding more credibility to yourself and your work: 

Utilize Platforms Like LinkedIn

Social media platforms can play a big part in how you look and come across online. A lot of what we do these days is online, so making sure you have a strong presence on the internet matters. In terms of professional, business-oriented platforms, the likes of LinkedIn tend to be great for those looking to really use networking to boost their presence and profile. It’s basically a network that has all kinds of people from all kinds of sectors. Getting in touch with all the right people that can give you an advantage is pretty simple to do. It’s a very well-respected website and app, so it’s worth signing up and being a part of it.  

Promote Yourself On Other Big Social Platforms  

LinkedIn is for the more professional side of things, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use the likes of Instagram and Twitter to get people noticing you. These two, along with Facebook, are the biggest social media sites – by some margin. The likes of Reddit, Pinterest, and other outlets follow up behind. If you can get in touch with people on these apps and really show yourself off, then you’ll be in a great place to find opportunities and boost your reputation. Just like with a website or even LinkedIn, you’re going to want to make sure that you go above and beyond for these profiles; you basically want them to be total show-stoppers! So this means that you’ll want to work on your Pinterest bio, have a professional cover picture for all profiles, sound professional (but not robotic), and even produce high-quality content on these profiles too.

Create A Beautiful Website

In order to really show off what you have in terms of your own exclusive platform, your website will need to look great. If you don’t already have one, then it’s not too much to worry about. Building a site using services like WordPress can be very simple to do once you get the hang of all the tools. Make sure it’s easy on the eyes and simple to navigate through. Get all of the information across easily and don’t make it look as though you’ve tried too hard. Your job is to show off while explaining that you’re an original – different from the rest. Standing out positively is, of course, what you’re looking to do here. 

Network Using Forums 

Social media platforms don’t just have to be the only way in which you expand your reach and get to know others in your field. There are many other non-irritating ways to get in touch with important people and spread your message. You can also recruit or create amazing contacts for the future. Platforms such as online forums are great for this kind of thing as they allow people to come together to share interests and ideas.

Create Video Content

People love video content because it’s very easy to take in while being entertaining at the same time. Even the most basic stuff can hook in a person if they’re interested enough. It’s a great way of introducing yourself and showing off what you have to offer. Engaging with people and letting them get to know you on a deeper level can boost the relationship a lot. 


If you have a lot to say and want to entice people into reading the type of stuff you write down, then writing alongside your pursuit could help out a lot. You could create a blog that not only covers a particular niche people would find interesting but would bring in more popularity due to the SEO at work. Just take a look at the likes of Aussie entrepreneur Phil Kingston – busy with work as a business owner but has other irons in the fire in terms of writing projects. Collaborating with other blogs and similar websites can help you a lot in terms of your popularity and recognition.

Provide Great Results 

If you’re doing a great job, then you’re going to impress people. At the end of the day, word of mouth is one of the best marketing strategies, so focus on doing the right thing for those who are interested. It’s also good to make sure that you’re being a lovely person as this is remembered by those you interact with. So, whether it’s the way you come across when you speak or how you use your words in written communication, be sure to have a positive, happy tone. 

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