3 Low-Cost Business Ideas Introverts Will Love

A lot of would-be entrepreneurs hold back from starting their own business ventures because they have been led to believe that business owners must be extroverted individuals who are always ‘on’ and always happy to get out there and meet new people while running presentations and building strong networks, but this is not necessarily the case.

Although it’s true that being a people person can help you to build a strong business in some ways, it is equally true that there are a lot of talented introverts out there who are just as creative, and actually just as capable of networking as an extrovert. 

Of course, introverts are probably looking for business opportunities that enable them to spend less time networking and more time thinking, creating, and listening, which is why we’ve put together a list of business ideas that introverts will love, and which are pretty low-cost to set up too:

Copywriting services

Setting up your own writing business is an excellent way to earn a living on your own terms without having to worry about your more introverted tendencies. The vast majority of your time will be spent writing, editing, or liaising with clients and writers, which are all things you can do while alone in front of your computer. Sure, some clients may require a phone call or Zoom session or two, but for the most part, it will just be you and your creativity, and best of all, you can start out as a freelance writer without spending a single penny, providing you have a working computer at your disposal, building up your business as you gain more clients and experience.


A lot of people are hesitant to take up trading as a long-term business concern, but doing so is a great idea if you have a little money to invest and you’re willing to take the rough with the smooth. To get started, all you’ll need is $1000 and ability to learn about stocks and shares, including more about different candle types here, so that you know what is possible and what you best need to do in order to make a profit.

It may be worth trying out simulated trading platforms before you get started so you can iron out any kinks and learn the ropes fully before you dive in, but once you do, all you’ll need is an internet connected device to run your business, which means it’s an introvert’s dream.


Setting up your own coding company could cost you as little as the price of a decent coding course and your own website. Coders are well in demand due to the increase in online technology, and good ones can earn exceedingly well. Not only that, but coding is typically a pretty solitary pursuit, although there are opportunities to work as a team if you so desire. Right now, setting up a coding business is probably one of the most lucrative moves you could make.

Are you an introvert business owner? What is it you do?

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