Why Your Workplace Isn’t As Safe As It Could Be

If you want to be a great leader in your business, you have to make sure that you are keeping your people safe. This is always going to be a major priority, and it’s vital that you are doing everything you can to ensure that you are following this thread well. To that end, you might want to be aware of a number of the reasons why your workplace might not be quite as safe as it could be. Let’s look at those now and discuss what you can do about them to improve it.

You Have No Safety Manager

It’s hugely important to have someone in place who is generally in charge of your safety across the workplace. As long as you have this, you should find that you are going to be a lot more likely to actually have a safe workplace, because you have someone who is paying attention to it all and putting the rules in place and so on. Having someone accountable for safety really makes a difference, so it’s vital that you are aware of this. Get yourself a safety manager as soon as possible and see what a difference it really makes.

You’re Lacking A Safety Management System

It’s also vital that you have some kind of control over everything that you need to do safety-wise, and for this you are going to find that having a safety management system is really important and effective. For instance, you might want to use an EHS management software suite, as in this way you are going to have a much better sense of control over your safety which is really going to make a huge difference. All in all, this is something that is going to help a lot, and it’s vital that you are thinking about it.

Your Risk Assessments Have Expired

You need to carry out risk assessments for every major task that is carried out in your workplace. Not only that, you also need to make sure that they are refreshed and looked into on a regular basis. That way, you can ensure that you are going to still be doing all you can to keep your workplace safe, and it’s vital that you are going to keep on top of this. So make sure that you are doing your risk assessments as and when you need to, and that you always have them in place.

You Haven’t Self-Audited In A While

You also need to make sure that you are self-auditing on your safety from time to time. This is really the only way you can make sure that you are keeping your workplace in place in terms of its safety, and it’s vital that you are thinking about this if you want to ensure you are doing everything you can towards making your people safer. Carry out a self-audit once a year at least and make sure you follow the guidelines to keep it as safe as possible.

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