Why There Has Never Been a Better Time to Start Your own Non-Profit

How long have you been sitting on an amazing idea for a non-profit? If you are like most people who start similar businesses, then you have probably been thinking of your non-profit idea for months, probably even years, and doing very little at all about it. Well, it’s time to change that because there really has never been a better time to jump in feet first and finally found that non-profit company you have always dreamed of.

And I’m not just saying that to hype you up. There are real reasons why this year is the perfect time to get your cause off the ground as you will see below.

  1. The World Needs More Good Vibes

Let’s be brutally honest,  the world is a bit of a hot mess right now. It seems like whenever we switch on the TV or browse the internet, there is more bad news about the state of the environment, wars, social justice issues, poverty, and well you will know only too well what is going on right now, I’m sure. So, it is fair to say that people want change and they are hungry to make that change happen. That means, now ios the perfect time to launch a non-profit business that will actually help, right? People will be receptive and willing to help you make it happen!

  1. The Internet Is Your Best Friend (No, Really)

You know what’s wild? It has never been easier to start a non-profit from the comfort of your own home, wearing pajamas, with a cup of tea in hand. Why? Because we have the internet, people! Platforms like GoFundMe, Kickstarter, and Patreon can get your funding started without you having to pound the pavement. Social media platforms are the perfect places to rally support, raise awareness, and get people talking about your cause without needing a PR firm (or an actual megaphone).

And let’s not forget about websites—because, yes, even non-profits need websites. But guess what? You don’t need to hire a fancy developer to build one for you anymore. Tools like Squarespace, Wix, and WordPress make it ridiculously easy to create a slick, professional site in just a few hours. You can upload your mission statement, share your success stories, and even accept donations right from your homepage. The power of the internet is at your fingertips—don’t waste it!

  1. Fund Management Software Exists (Thank Goodness)

Gone are the days of trying to keep track of donations with an Excel sheet that looks like a jigsaw puzzle from hell. You don’t have to drown in a sea of paperwork to manage your non-profit’s funds. There are magical tools now—okay, they’re not magic, but they might as well be. Enter: fund management software.

Platforms like Fundly, Donorbox, and Bloomerang make managing your donations, grants, and finances not only easy but borderline fun (and I don’t say that lightly). They help you keep track of where your money is coming from, how much you’ve raised, and where it’s going—all in one neat little package. No more digging through piles of papers when it’s tax season or awkwardly calling donors to figure out if their checks cleared. Fund management software takes care of it, and you get to focus on what really matters: making a difference.

  1. Virtual Volunteering is the New Cool

Guess what? You no longer have to rely on local volunteers who can show up in person. 2024 is all about the virtual volunteer! People are more open than ever to helping out from the comfort of their own homes. Whether it’s data entry, social media management, or even providing online tutoring services for the kids your non-profit supports, there are so many ways people can get involved without needing to leave their couch (and let’s be real, some people don’t want to).

Virtual volunteering also opens up the possibility of working with people all around the world. Want to provide resources for a global issue? No problem! With the internet, your volunteers don’t need to live down the street—they can be halfway around the world. You’ll have access to a much larger pool of helpers, and your cause will be able to reach new audiences. Win-win!

  1. The Gig Economy Is Your Secret Weapon

Let’s say you’re starting your non-profit, but you’re not exactly ready to hire a full-time staff. That’s where the gig economy comes in to save the day. Sites like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer give you access to talented professionals who can help you with everything from graphic design to grant writing, on a project-by-project basis.

Need someone to help with social media for a few weeks? Want a killer logo for your website? Maybe you need a quick legal consult to make sure your non-profit is legit. Whatever it is, there’s a gig worker out there who can help you for a fraction of the cost of a traditional employee. The best part? You get the skills and expertise you need without having to commit to a long-term hire.

  1. Social Impact Is Trending (And You Want to Ride That Wave)

If there was ever a time to launch a non-profit, it’s now, because doing good is trending. Corporations are jumping on the social responsibility bandwagon (finally), and people care more than ever about supporting businesses and organizations that make a difference. It’s not just about selling a product anymore—people want to support causes they believe in.

Your non-profit can capitalize on this momentum. Partner with companies that are looking to improve their social impact. Create campaigns that align with the latest social movements. The public is primed and ready to support causes that are addressing the issues that matter most to them. So, if your non-profit is tackling something like climate change, racial justice, or mental health, you’ve got a built-in audience ready to support you.

  1. Tech Tools Make Running a Non-Profit a Breeze

Starting a non-profit used to be a paperwork nightmare. But thanks to technology, running a non-profit has become more streamlined than ever before. Need to manage projects? Try tools like Asana or Trello. Want to keep your donor base engaged? Mailchimp and Constant Contact have you covered. Looking to host a virtual event? Zoom is practically a household name now, and there are tons of platforms that specialize in virtual fundraising events like Givebutter.

These tech tools take a lot of the heavy lifting off your shoulders, so you can focus on making an impact. Plus, many of them offer special discounts or free options for non-profits. It’s like the universe wants you to succeed—who are you to argue?

  1. People Are Ready to Donate (And You Don’t Even Have to Ask in Person)

Let’s be real, asking people for money in person is awkward. You get that nervous, sweaty feeling, and no one likes it. But the beauty of 2024 is that you can ask people for donations without any face-to-face contact! With online fundraising platforms like GoFundMe and Facebook Fundraisers, you can reach thousands of potential donors with a few clicks.

Not to mention, people are more open than ever to donating online—no one even blinks at entering their credit card details on a donation page anymore. Plus, with recurring donation options, people can set up automatic monthly contributions to your non-profit, and you get a steady stream of income to keep things running smoothly.

The excuses are officially over. This is finally your time to start that non-profit you always dreamed of because, really, what’s stopping you?

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