Which types of security seals are suited for international transport

Security seals are important for ensuring that containers and other freight aren’t tampered with during transport. Cargo is more and more often transported internationally, and to meet the requirements of customs authorities, international shippers need to use ISO 17712-certified seals/security seals. Both ISO 17712-certified bolt seals and cable seals offer high breaking strength, which means they’re unlikely to be cut or broken while transporting.

No doubt, security seals are an important necessity for anyone in the transportation of goods. As a logistics person, you wish to make sure that your goods do not suffer any damage while in the cargo hold of an airplane or a ship. And one way that you can improve the quality of your goods at the end of the journey is by adding security seals. A seal adds another layer of protection to your physical goods as it has tamper-proof features such as holes and encodements which will make it difficult to open without breaking.

Purpose of security seal

It is important to know the purpose of the particular security seal that you wish to get. It is necessary to have an idea about the ways that the seals will be employed in the first place. You should also know the value of the items for which the seals need to be used. 

Know about the different seal types

There are different security seals present. You should know which one to get for your needs. If you are worried about your products getting stolen then you should consider getting barrier seals. You will get cable as well as bolt seals in the barrier seals category. Barrier seals tend to be high-security seals. 

A cable seal is good because it is made from zinc. These are lasting and give the required safety to your products. Bolt seals are a good choice as they give added safety to your products. It is tough to remove bolt seals. 

Security seals are no doubt reliable along with a cost-effective solution to keep your products protected. But, you need to do your research carefully before getting any seal. 

Do your research

It is better to search for industry leaders if you want reliable seals. You will be able to get quality seals like this. You can list down some vendors like Hoefon Security Seals, for instance. Get quotes from all the vendors that you have written. 

If it is possible try and consult the vendors directly. You can discuss your needs with them. Compare the features given by the various vendors. Choose the seals which are perfect for your items. 

If you get the best seals, you can be stress-free as you will know that the shipments you have and inventory are safe. Your customers will be confident as well knowing that you concentrate on giving them the best and care about safety. 

From the above, you can tell that it is a good idea to get the best security seals if you want to keep your precious products safe. You should not get confused with the many options present in the market. Do your research and know exactly what you want. If you do this you will not have to waste money on something of a low-quality. Look at reviews of the manufacturer that you want to buy from. Search for reviews on sites that are truthful and have real customer reviews. Make sure that you concentrate on securing your items and operations so that you do not have any regrets.

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