When To Use AI Within Your Business

The idea of using artificial intelligence in your business may seem futuristic – but actually, it’s something many businesses are doing already. Using AI technology, it’s possible to analyze huge amounts of data and automate tasks, saving you time and helping you detect problems you may never have detected before. This post explains just a few of the areas of business in which you can use AI.

Customer service

More companies are using AI to help improve customer service. Automated chat bots on websites and automated telephone receptionists can help to direct customer inquiries to the right department. Automated reminders can meanwhile help staff members to check in on customers at the right times. Self-service checkouts and menu apps can also be integrated with AI to help serve customers’ personal needs while reducing demand on staff members. 


There are many ways in which AI can be used within marketing. The main way in which AI has transformed marketing is by providing personalization. E-commerce sites and customer apps are able to track customer activity and recommend promotions based on the types of products that are being consumed. Automated reminder emails can also be sent out if a customer has left an item in their shopping cart, while promotions can also be sent out on customers’ birthdays. 

Recruitment and HR

AI can also help in recruitment. Many recruiters now use CV keyword scanning tools to help filter out inappropriate applicants. Automated responses can also be sent out to applicants that aren’t successful. Meanwhile, when it comes to general HR, AI can be used to provide personalized employee benefit programs – by analyzing data on employees’ performance and the hours they’ve put in, you can offer personalized rewards such as bonuses or extra paid holidays. 


AI can play a big part in security. Cybersecurity software can now be used to detect online threats by picking up on various risk factors – malware and intrusions can then be automatically dealt with. As Daniel Menard explains, AI can also be used to flag up unusual activity in industries like retail such as detecting unusual orders which could be a sign of fraud. AI can also be combined with security cameras to pick up unusual activity and even learn the faces of staff members and customers. 


Many modern industrial machines and commercial appliances can be programmed with AI in order to alert users when maintenance is needed. This includes notifying when parts are worn. Some machines such as self-service coffee machines can even carry out their own cleaning. The use of such AI can ensure that machinery is kept in good condition, helping to prevent costly machinery failure. 

Finance and accounting

AI can also be used to track sales and expenses and suggest budgeting improvements. Within accounting, it can be used to carry out routine tasks such as calculating tax and paying employees. Such AI can help to save business owners huge amounts of time, while also helping business owners to find new ways of generating and saving money. 

Speaking of generating money, it is important to equip your business or yourself with all the essentials needed to do financial transactions in the international market. Currently, AI helps increase international trade and financial transactions in the international market. While focusing on AI within your business, you should consider other elements like LEI registration, as it allows your business to be recognized globally. 

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