Top Cybersecurity Tips For Small Business Owners

No business can survive without a good cybersecurity plan these days. It’s vital that you make cybersecurity a priority for your business so you can look towards the future without having to worry about the rug being pulled from underneath your feet. Hackers are becoming more resourceful and it’s harder than ever to spot fraudulent activity.

With that being said, here are some top tips to ensure your business is always as safe as possible, even in the event of an attack.

Prohibit The Use Of Personal Accounts

This action not only protects your business but also your employees. Ask your employees to avoid using personal accounts on business devices. For example, if an employee wants to check their Facebook feed, it should be done on their own phone, rather than a business computer.

Doing so means there’s less bate for any potential hackers because they won’t be able to gain access to employee’s personal information via social media platforms. In addition, once an employee has logged into a social media profile using a company device, the link between business and employee is there for hackers to take advantage of.

Crack Down on Fraud

Would you be able to tell if someone was using a stolen credit card to pay for goods from your business? Fraudulent activity leaves a trail but it’s not always easy to spot. For instance, fraud with online gaming is common but that shouldn’t make it acceptable.

That’s why many owners of online gaming sites use an online gaming merchant account for prevention of fraud. Make sure you put everything in place to spot fraud if it should happen in your business.

Remove Unused Accounts

This is especially important for businesses older than a decade. It’s common for businesses to upgrade and start using different accounts throughout the years. However, many businesses don’t properly shut down old accounts with vital security details.

These old accounts are like treasure troves for hackers. They don’t have the same level of security that newer accounts do but they hold all the same data. If your business has any used accounts, be sure to shut them down to make your business safer.

Security Software Updates

How many times have you been reminded that a security update is required, only to ignore the reminder? Business often hasn’t got time to wait for updates but not installing a new update could put your business at risk. These seemingly inconvenient updates are vital for the protection of all business devices.

Whether you’re a sole trader or hire a team of employees, every device used for your business should be regularly checked and updated. If your device hasn’t been updated in a while and you haven’t received a prompt, get it checked with the manufacturer to ensure you have the most up to date security measures.

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