Tips For Saving Money on Parking Lot Maintenance

When you are not trying to have some preventive measures for your parking lot, it can start cracking and get old after a few years. The moment it’s exposed to severe weather, harsh sunlight, or heavy traffic, it needs maintenance. Planning for preventive care can save you money. When you maintain your parking lot, it can be less expensive compared to replacing it. Here are some tips to help you save money on parking lot maintenance.

Regular Cleaning

It’s good to consider cleaning your parking lot, which can be done by keeping the surface clean from the oil spills and debris because there will be no deterioration of the lot, and it can last long. You can opt for a monthly lot cleaning to get the best maintenance practices.

Use Sealcoating

There are instances where your lot may be extensively damaged, and in this case, it can get costly when you’re renovating it. Sealcoating is an effective way to save your money from future maintenance. In addition, it gives you the opportunity of resurfacing your pavement as it prevents damage from occurring. When your lot is seal coated, a layer of asphalt gets laid over your pavement as it fills some of the cracks.

The cracks in the lot may not look like a big problem, but they are the primary reasons your lot may be having significant damage. First, during the snowfall and rain season, water may slip to the cracks and lead to a degradation of the pavement that is below the surface. You may find it hard to fix this type of damage because it may require extensive repairs using a lot of money and machines.

You can consider seal coating to prevent this from happening as it’s also not costly and time-consuming. It’s essential to make parking lot paving one of the regular routines for your property. Visit this link to learn more about the benefits of proper seal coating application.

Inspect For Repair and Cracks

A detailed inspection and a rejuvenation process need to occur to help identify cracks that may have appeared unexpectedly. When inspecting the lot, you may be prepared to fill the available gaps. However, leaving the lit damage alone may expand as rainwater and dirt can penetrate the crack and create more problems.

In cases where cracks are widespread, it’s crucial to consult a professional to help in discussing the best solutions. For example, if you notice a crack with a width of three inches, it needs to get patched immediately. However, having a mastic repair can be sufficient, especially for more minor damages.

Don’t Procrastinate on Parking Lot Repairs

You may be having a lot of expenses until you forget to set aside money that you can use when repairing your parking lot. If you want to get financially prepared for the lot repairs, it’s crucial to set aside some money each month to help you. It can be much easier than coming up with a more significant amount at once.

When you have the fund at hand for the lot, a repair can give you various options. For instance, you will not look for the cheapest repair service as you will focus on finding a good company that will offer quality work and superior customer service. Also, having the money ready can alleviate the financial stress you may be having on the unanticipated repairs.

Maintain Landscape

When the landscape around your parking is maintained, it is an ongoing process that may prolong the life of your lot. In addition, you can opt for some curbing around the flower beds, which is essential when preventing dirt that can cause erosion problems for your lot.

Be Kind to Your Parking Lot

If you’re using a snowplow, ensure the blade has been set to a proper height, as this will avoid gouging the pavement. If your lot is not designed for heavier vehicles, you should not allow them. Also, avoid leaving heavy loads in the exact location for an extended period, especially when there is hot weather.

Repair Potholes Right Away

Most potholes result from contraction and expansion of hot water after entering the ground under the lot. Repairing the potholes includes cleaning, heating, cooling, and adding some custom aggregate mix. So, it’s crucial to fix the pothole before it begins to spread and bring damage to your parking surface. When you leave the potholes unchecked, they can grow continuously, especially with ongoing use, increasing the cost of repair.

Consider Professional Advice

You can look for experts for parking lot maintenance and repair since they can provide free assessment while creating some customized and detailed lot maintenance plans. The plan can fit your budget and address your long-term and immediate needs.

Ensure Proper Drainage

A proper drainage system can be considered a central aspect of a maintenance plan. When there is standing water in the parking lot, it can lead to some long-lasting damages like cracks. When you install a sound drainage system, it will avoid problems and save you money in expensive repairs and maintenance in the long run.

Clean Oil Stains Immediately

One of the inevitable occurrences in your parking lot can be oil leaks. Unfortunately, you may not have control over the people using your parking lot or the type of maintenance issues their cars may be having. Different homemade tips can help remove the oil stains, which may save you a great deal at the end as you can also use them regularly. To get the best results, consider cleaning the oil stains immediately.

You can start by pouring some granulated kitty litter on the stain, then allow it to sit for a while. The kitty litter needs to soak up for the more excellent liquid deal. Also, you can opt for solid grease-cutting and a highly concentrated detergent. After letting it sit for a while, scrub it using a hard-bristled broom and rinse it. If you work swiftly in removing the stains and cleaning the spot, it can get easier to remove them as your parking lot will also remain clean and fresh.

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