Improve Job Security
If you’re a smaller company, it’s understandable that you might have the budget to offer higher salaries straight off the bat. Being innovative isn’t enough to retain staff. But providing secure roles for permanent staff and clear contracts for freelancers will not only give your company an extra layer of respectability, it makes people see a future at a company. Really think about who you need to hire as well, rather than creating a role that later turns out to be poorly defined. A combination of secure contract and clear job role will create the appearance of job security that will help your employee file secure.
Consider Physical Safety
Looking at the physical security of your office can also add a layer of respectability to your company, with the added bonus of making your employees feel safe at work. Consider measures like LED parking lot lights, so your team doesn’t have to feel like they’re walking in the dark. Make sure there are lockers (that lock), in your office so they can securely store items, and even invest in security guards if you have a larger office space.
Increase Employee Fulfillment
Your company might offer a great starting salary, benefits, and job security, but if there’s no job development there may be little initiative for your employee to feel safe in their role. Why would an individual stay at a company with no opportunity for growth? Highlight from the outset how you see a role developing, but be mindful that your employee may want to put their own stamp on the role. Be flexible and open to discussion and commend people for their current strengths. Take the time to praise people for the good work they do.
Create A Great Company Culture
Everyone’s heard their fair share of horror stories about escaping toxic work environments, and how much better an employee’s life was after they left. Would you want to hear that about your own company? It’s easy to get entrenched in the day to day workload of running a business, and ignore the alarm bells of your very own toxic workplace. Do you expect people to work the same long hours you do? Have you thought about the well being of your team? Instill a positive working atmosphere and people won’t feel they are being mistreated. Your company culture can also help you establish the best fit for your team.
With only a few simple steps, you can create a safe environment for your talented team to thrive, and create the secure foundations needed for your own business to develop. Making your employees feel happy and listened to will increase productivity and ultimately benefit you.