Keep Your Cash! This Is How to Save on Mac Computers

Did you know that when Apple rolled out the new Mac Mini, the price reflected a 60% increase? Or that the iPhone 11 cost 54% more than the iPhone 7?

All these show that Apple products, including Macs, are some of the priciest gadgets out there. However, it’s also the epitome of “you get what you pay for.” After all, you’re paying for something sleek, elegant, long-lasting, and user-friendly.

That doesn’t mean, however, that Macs are out of your reach. There are actually several strategies on how to save on Mac purchases.

To that end, we’ve listed some of the best methods that can save you hundreds of dollars when buying a Mac. Read on to learn how you can get your hands on that new MacBook (or Apple device), for less.

Make a List of the Most Important Mac Functions You Need

Saving on a Mac starts with establishing the kind of functionality and specs you want from it. Do you need it for basic tasks, like browsing, text editing, and other typical school or work stuff? Or do you require a system made specifically for creativity-intensive activities?

It’s vital to establish these things from the get-go, as Apple has products made to be a perfect fit for such tasks. So, it may just turn out that an iPad Pro is a better option for your specific needs than a Mac.

For example, there’s not much cost difference if you compare iPad Pro vs MacBook Air. However, the iPad Pro 13″ is on par with the MacBook Pro 16″ for being the best for creative tasks. Both, after all, have exceptional color display and graphics processing technology.

Of course, the MacBook Pro 16″, being an actual laptop, costs $2,399. That’s more than twice the price of the iPad Pro 13″, which is only $999. The standard price of MacBook Air, on the other hand, is also $999.

As such, don’t forget to factor in your specific needs when gauging which Mac or Apple product to get. This way, you can avoid buying a model with a capacity that won’t be able to cope with your tasks. At the same time, you can save yourself (and a few hundred dollars) from getting a “too powerful” device.

Time Your Purchase

Look for reliable online sources that give a snapshot of when Apple is about to release a new model. Credible tech sites often share rumors on new product releases that turn out to be close to the truth. They also usually have a “rumored” product feature lists that, in most cases, are spot-on.

You want to stay updated on such news to have an idea of when you’re most likely to see price cuts on Macs. Often, the prices of current models in a product line dip right after the new models get released. So, buying a Mac during this time can net you potential savings amounting to hundreds of dollars.

See If You Qualify for Education Discounts

Apple offers promos designed to help its products be more affordable for students. For example, qualified students can buy a MacBook Air for only $899, which is $100 less than the stock price. There are also deals available for eligible back-to-schoolers who opt to go with a MacBook Pro.

Educators themselves can buy a Mac and save a pretty penny with these education deals. Plus, most qualified buyers (both students and teachers) can even get free AirPods.

Go With a Refurbished Unit

If you don’t qualify for any education discount, consider buying a refurbished Mac. Certified Refurbished Apple products often come with a 15% discount. Meaning, if you were to buy a 16″ MacBook Pro, a refurbished one can net you savings of up to $400.

What’s more, most refurbished Macs are of the latest or almost-current generation. Meaning, you don’t have to settle for a unit that’s several years old.

Also, don’t worry about the quality, as refurbished Macs come with new accessories. Apple thoroughly vets all these items, from the unit itself to all its cases and cables. This ensures that all refurbished Apple products meet the company’s stringent standards.

Check the Deals Offered By Authorized Resellers

Apple authorizes several stores, both online and offline, to resell its products. These authorized resellers sell genuine Apple products, so there’s no need to worry. What’s more, many of these stores run in-store deals that you won’t find in Apple Store.

Just make sure that you confirm that the store is, in fact, an authorized Apple reseller. This way, you can be 100% certain that you’re buying a genuine Mac.

Trade-In Your Old Apple Device

As of September 2020, the US desktop market share of macOS stands at 26.92%. This implies that one in four desktop users in the US uses an Apple computer. If you’re one of these, and you’d like to upgrade, then consider trading-in your older device.

Apple almost always offers trade-in deals for eligible devices. If your current Mac qualifies, then you can use trade it in to get credits that you can then use for your next purchase. Or, you can convert that into an Apple Gift Card that you can also use once you’re ready to buy a new Mac.

To give you an idea, you can save almost $500 if you trade-in your old MacBook today. The “newer” the device you want to trade-in, though, the greater the value.

Follow These Tips on How to Save on Mac to Upgrade for Less

There you have it, your in-depth guide on how to save on Mac and get a brand new Apple device for less. As you can see, there are plenty of strategies that can yield considerable savings when buying a new Mac. You just have to either time your purchase right or spend some time looking for deals and discounts.

Ready for more ways on how to save or even make money? Be sure to follow our website then so you can stay updated in the latest in financial news!

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