How To Delegate Successfully

Running a company isn’t about how much you can do on your own; instead, it’s about figuring out your strengths and leveraging them to your advantage while handing off the responsibilities you dislike or lack the expertise to others. This might mean outsourcing in some cases; you would also look for a high density builder, for example, if construction wasn’t your forte, just as you would always look for marketing experts if your niche is elsewhere, and so on. 

However, sometimes it’s possible to delegate the work to your current team. While delegating some of your jobs might be difficult, allowing your company to function more smoothly and successfully can result in increased sales and profits. When you’re ready to start delegating, follow these steps.

Be Patient

The person you’re assigning a task to may have never done anything like it before. Even though you are confident in their talents, they may feel uncomfortable or hesitant, and they do not want to make a mistake. As a result, to do things correctly the first time (or the first few times), it is a good idea to assist them in ensuring that they know how to complete the tasks you intend them to complete. This will, of course, mean that the work will take much longer than usual, and you will be unable to do anything else while instructing and supervising, but it will be worthwhile. 

If you are certain that the individual to whom you are delegating a job can complete the assignment, you can go about your business without worrying about them or their success. If you merely assign a new task to someone without first ensuring that they understand what is expected of them, it is possible that this might go wrong, costing you even more time and potentially money in the future. 

Don’t Assume

As previously said, it is never a good idea to assume that someone understands what to do just because you have asked them to do it, but it is also never a good idea to assume that people you want to carry out the assignment know that you want it done or what the deadline may be. A note can be misplaced, an email can be unread, and instructions can be misconstrued. Using project management software is a great option since it allows you to add all of the instructions you need for the person you’re delegating to, as well as a deadline and even milestones to meet as you go. 

Using this kind of software, you can delegate a variety of jobs to several individuals at once, freeing up your time and letting everyone know what is expected of them. However, you don’t have to use this kind of software, and if you prefer not to, then simply remember not to assume that everyone knows everything – take the time to ask.  

Be Clear

If you aren’t explicit and detailed when assigning a job, you’ll find it far more difficult to get it done the way you want it done, and within the period you set. Give the clearest directions you can, and if you can indicate why the work has to be done, the person you’re delegating to will understand how everything fits together in the big picture of running your business.

 If you simply offer imprecise directions, don’t be shocked if the project isn’t completed as you meant it to be or if your team member continues interrupting what you’re trying to do and making the process take much longer than it should.

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