Have You Purchased A Faulty Product?

Unfortunately, accidents happen every single day and they occur in a number of different ways. When we hear the term ‘personal injury’ we often tend to think about car crashes or slips and trips. However, this term is much broader than that, and one incident that often leads to successful claims is product liability. This is when a person has been injured as the result of a faulty product. If this has happened to you, you should think about using the services of accident lawyers. 

Of course, by law, all products do need to go through strict testing before they are sold on the marketplace. However, there are rare occasions when certain items do fall through the wire. If you have been injured because of this, you will definitely be entitled to compensation. Whether it’s a rash from a beauty product or an electrical shock from a gadget, you simply need to show that the manufacturer is at fault. You certainly cannot claim if you were to blame. If you did not use the product correctly for example, then the blame lies with you, and you won’t be entitled to compensation. With knowledgeable personal injury attorneys at your service, you could claim if you were partly to blame.

Aside from this, you need to have seen a doctor for your injuries. This is vital, however, a lot of people bypass a trip to the hospital when they have only sustained minor injuries because they would rather cope with it themselves. If you do this you are going to seriously damage your chances of securing compensation. 

Now, read on to discover some of the most important things you need to know about making a personal injury claim. 

  • You need to see a medical professional – A lot of people mistakenly believe that they can make a claim if they have not seen a doctor, however, this is not the case. After all, how are you going to prove that you were injured in the first place? Your doctor will provide you with a medical report, and this is essential when determining how much compensation you will be entitled to.
  • There is a time limit – This three years. The only exceptions occur when injuries have developed over time, such as repetitive strain injury. When this occurs, you have three years from the date of your diagnosis instead.
  • Compensation is split into two parts – You are probably aware of general damages, which are designed to compensate you for your injuries and the help fund the recovery process. However, there are also special damages, and this is compensation for any out of pocket expenses due to your injuries.

Going to court is unlikely – Last but not least, a lot of people are put off from making a claim because they fear that they will have to go to court and they don’t want the hassle of a trial. This is understandable, yet it is extremely unlikely that this will occur.

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