Five Ways To Get Motivated Working From Home

If you are a business owner who now has to work from home, it can be quite demoralizing being away from everyone and the routine you normally work to. Having such a drastic change in your day to day life can affect your motivation and leave you having less enthusiasm to get things done. Whether you own a marketing agency doing website work for a freight company such as, or you own a food and beverage company, it is important to always do your best to motivate yourself at home.  If you find this is the case, here are some top tips to get motivated working from home.

Check-in with your employees regularly 

It can be very strange not seeing your employees every day and getting a chance to catch up with them and watch what they are doing. Instead, take the time out to check in with them on a regular basis and see how they are getting on. This could be via a Skype or Zoom meeting, by email, or by a phone call. By checking in and doing virtual meetings, it reaffirms the team spirit and is a good way to get everyone motivated again. It is also a good way to bring back the social element that working in an office brings. Lack of sociability is one of the top reasons that many people miss working with others.

Stick to a set daily routine

Without a reason to head out of the house in the morning, it can be easy to stop having a regular, daily routine. This can mean you end up working ridiculous hours which is detrimental to your mental health. Be sure to set a specific time to get up in the morning and start work, but also to finish in the evening. Allow yourself time out to have lunch or a coffee break, and it can be a good idea to go for a walk around the block to get yourself some air and a change of scenery during the day.

Dress for success

You might be a business owner, but when working from home it can be tempting to dress down. While this is certainly more comfortable, it also isn’t the best attire to inspire a motivating workday. If you have a meeting, wear a smart suit or more formal outfit and do your hair if this is something you usually do when you go to the office. By adding in these extra touches that you usually do, it can help you to feel like you are in your work mode and be more motivated.

Have a dedicated work space

If you are missing your office, it can be made all the more difficult not having a proper space to work at home. Set up a desk and proper area where you can work without getting disrupted constantly during the day. This could be in a spare bedroom, an outhouse in the garden or in your dining room. No matter where the space is, be sure you can work without any distractions.

These are just a few ways to get motivated working from home. Whether you decide to forego the office in the future, or just keep it this way temporarily, these tips will help you through.

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