Creative Ways You Can Reward Your Employees

When an employee is recognized for good performance it gives them the incentive to want to do even better. People like to feel like they are appreciated. If you don’t recognize your employees’ hard work, they may not have the desire to continue working hard for you. Have a reward system in place who you employees who excel on the job is creating incentives for employees to improve so they can get reward and recognition. 

Below are some creative ideas to reward your employees for a job done well:

Promotional Opportunities

One thing that employees like is the opportunity for a promotion. Even if you don’t have available positions, it is still possible to enable your employees for any future positions through the use of additional training. If you recognize that an employee is ver performing, showing initiative, and constantly giving their all then it could be time to offer them some extra training so that if an opportunity of promotion became available they would be ready and waiting. You do have to be careful not to expect them to perform tasks that are out of their job role too often, instead give them the choice of the training if they want to accept. Explain to them the reasons why you are making it available to them. 


Using tools like stock plan services you can offer the chance for your employees to buy stocks and shares within the company. This can be a great incentive for your employees as to when they perform well they will then feel as though they are really becoming an asset to the company and will also see a return for their effort through their shares. This is a unique and different incentive to earn and therefore could also lead to better employee retention and loyalty. 

Happy Hour

This doesn’t mean going to the pub for a drink, instead, think about offering an hour at the end of the week where your employees can wind down and relax ready for the weekend. It’s a fantastic way of showing your team that you recognize their hard work. Order food, play some music or think about taking it out of the office for a picnic or restaurant. You could even ask your employees what they would like to do to relax and what they would find motivational. 

Personal Perks

Another good way to reward your employees is with something personal to them. Ask your employees to complete a questionnaire about their hobbies, interests, and favorite things. With this useful information, you can purchase little ‘rewards’ that you can give to your employees when they do well or need an incentive. Everyone likes to be given a reward that they feel means something, by showing interest in your employees, you will get a more loyal and productive staff.

These four creative employee incentives should lead to a loyal, motivated, and productive team. Are there any incentives that you use that aren’t included on the list? Please share some ideas in the comments below. 

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