7 Ways To Save Money On Your Cell Phone

There’s no denying that our cell phones are very useful, but there is one caveat to owning one. The expense! Not only are they expensive to buy, but they are expensive to run too, and this is largely down to the monthly bills we incur.

Thankfully, it is possible to save money, and we have a few suggestions for you below.

#1: Wait before you buy

Do you really need every new cell phone from your favorite brand when it comes on the market? Quite often, they are a little different from the model that came before. To avoid getting yourself into any financial problems, think twice before you buy. Are those extra camera pixels worth it? Does the slimmer design justify the expense? Use your common sense and wait a few months. Like everything else, phones go down in price eventually, especially when newer models are released. So, resist the urge to always have the latest phone in your pocket.

#2: Insure your phone

Yes, we know phone insurance is another expense, but you should be able to get a fair deal if you shop around. It might also be that your bank or credit card provider includes phone insurance as part of your account deal, so check with them too. When your phone is insured, you will reduce the cost of repairs if you accidentally drop your phone, and you won’t be forced into buying a new one. There are different policies available so choose something that suits your particular needs.

#3: Buy a decent phone case

Yes, it’s another expense, but when it comes to the protection of your phone, you don’t want to be without a phone case. This is another way to forego the need for costly repairs or a new phone down the line, so check out these wholesale phone cases for some excellent examples. 

#4: Buy a no-contract phone

Do you need a contract phone? You can save money if you opt for something without a contract as you won’t be tied down to a monthly bill. You won’t be hit with a cancellation charge if you decide to change your phone carrier either. Admittedly, you might not get the hottest new cell phone if you decide against a contract, but as we mentioned earlier, this shouldn’t have to be an issue. An ‘unlocked’ phone (one that can be used with any carrier) can be bought cheaply on the second-hand market, and you should be able to find something that is only a few months older than the latest and trendiest.’

#5: Don’t pay for things you don’t need

If you do decide to buy a contract phone, don’t pay for those optional extras you are unlikely to use. We won’t need roadside assistance if you already have breakdown cover, for example, and you probably don’t need ‘voicemail to text’ features. You might not need thousands of minutes of call time either, and you might not need unlimited texts if you’re reliant on Messenger. If you’re regularly near a wi-fi connection, you can also rule out the need for unlimited data, so think about how much you really need. Many of us pay for more than we need with a ‘just in case’ mentality, but we often do so foolishly. If you haven’t used everything with your phone package, you might want to contact your phone carrier and make a few changes if they will allow you to do so.

#6: Check to see if some of your expenses can be reimbursed

If your phone is purely for personal use only, this won’t apply to you. However, if you use your phone for your business, you might be able to write off some of your regular costs when tax season rolls around again. You might also be able to reimburse some of your costs if you work for an employer. Log all of your costs and speak to your boss. They might even pay for some of the data you use if you regularly use your phone to make work emails. You can but try, anyway!

#7: Compare cell phone plans

As you do with most other things in your life, compare cell phone plans and carriers. Look for deals that are in line with your budget, and opt for the cheapest plan that aligns with your regular needs. Smaller phone carriers often use the same cellular towers bigger companies use, so you shouldn’t need to worry about a drop in coverage with a cheaper service. 

These are just a few of the ways to save money on your cell phone, so follow each step and protect your finances. 

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