4 Fresh Business Tips for Startups You Likely Won’t Have Heard Before

Whether you are thinking about launching your startup or you already have, there is no doubt you have been consuming everything you need to help you make it a success. Often, that advice is the same advice that has been repeated a thousand times in various different ways. 

Here are 4 fresh business tips for startups you may not have heard before.

  1. Practice Mindfulness

So many wonderful potential businesses have never come to fruition simply because of fear, self-doubt, and anxiety. These are three incredibly normal emotions that business owners feel almost on a daily basis.

However, you should treat these emotions not as barriers but as an opportunity to practice mindfulness. To run a successful business you need to be able to objectively look at your negative emotions, decide whether they are worthy, and then find ways of overcoming them.

Most new business owners are overrun by their emotions and they quickly stop pursuing their dream. Meditation, exercise, walks in nature, healthy eating, and enjoying things outside of work can all aid you in overcoming your negative emotions surrounding your business venture.

  1. Forget About Becoming “Self-Made”

Why? Because it is a fallacy. No person on this planet is “self-made”. Elon Musk didn’t get to where he is today by himself. He had thousands of people all over the world working tirelessly to help him get there.

Allow others to help you, accept freebies, discounts, doors to open, and new business relationships that can help you grow your business. This can be as simple as taking up that offer for an industrial coffee roaster for your new coffee shop from a guy you went to college with.

Be open to other people’s help, guidance and wisdom. Don’t try to do everything yourself, it’s easier when you don’t and your much more likely to become a success. 

  1. Keep It Simple and Add Value

Many new businesses fail because they over complicate their business and quickly lose control. They start to lose sight of their goals and what they built the business to do. As long as you keep it simple and you remember to add value to all your key stakeholders at all times, you can’t go wrong. 

Always think about how you are adding value to your customers, employees, and business partners. Why should they use your product or service? Why should they open your emails? Why should they like your Facebook page? Why should they invest their money? Why should your employees work for you? 

Make all these people see the value in your company by offering them a valuable product or service.

  1. It’s Not All About Money

Yes, money is essential to the running and success of your business. However, money is not the be-all and end-all to a successful business. You will be surprised at how money naturally flows to you when you stop putting so much pressure on yourself to keep making more.

When we get fixated on the money we start to make poor decisions. We go into business with difficult clients, we cut corners on production, we do a disservice to our customers and all of this leads to big problems.

Instead, be selective with who you work with, create a list of ethics and values you want to stay true to, and always choose the right thing to do and not just what is easy. Your clients, customers, and investors will see your passion and integrity in these actions which will lead to more opportunities and loyalty. 

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